Many amusement equipment, many people like amusement equipment, because the amusement equipment to help the children's health, recreational equipment, which movement will help children's health?
(1) Swing and acceleration activities. The activities of this equipment are naughty castle in the swing slides, swing machines, electric toys and so on. After the baby can sit tight, you can ride basketball zone for trampolines, take electric toys or slide small slide, by a large number of acceleration and sudden deceleration and other vestibular system to provide the stimulation of the child's nerve path smooth. 3 years old can also let him swing, slide and sit down and drop the train, so that they feel the speed increase or decrease, get endless fun.
(2) anti-gravity and balance of activities. The activities of this equipment are climbing slide, inflatable Fort, naughty fort and so on. Against the gravity, is the growth of animals on earth to survive one of the instincts. Infants and young children also need from a variety of game activities, learning to determine their relationship with the ground, to establish a sense of balance, and the formation of visual space concept.
(3) Rotational activities. trampoline park free zone to turn the horse, rail trains and so on. Most of the children like people holding the rotation, but some children are afraid of rotation, this is because his brain can not be adapted to the rotation stimulus results. So, with children who are afraid of rotating children play kindergarten slides, do not force them to play too fast to play the game, but should play a large curvature of the rotation, slow rotation of the game, such as sitting rail trains, so that their vestibular system adjustment function The opportunity to slowly strengthen. Like to rotate the child, you can let them play these spin activities. As for the children who are particularly fond of spinning, their vestibular system is not enough to respond to stimulating inputs, so that they can take a quick spin, so that the dull vestibular system gets a stronger stimulus and helps to normalize.